Adhan(637K wav) | The call to prayer (salat);usually issued from the minaret of a mosque. |
Arafat | A desert location approximately nine miles eastof Makkah where the pilgrim spends the 9th of ZulHijjah as a rite of Hajj. The waqfais performed at Arafat. |
Ayyam utTashreeq | The 11th, 12th, and 13th days of the month ofZul Hijjah. On these days, the pilgrim performsRummy in Mina. |
Dum | Also known as khaffarah. This is the atonementrequired of a pilgrim for a willful violation of a prohibition or obligationwhilst in the state of Ihram. |
Eid ul-Adha | The festival of sacrifice performed on the 10thday of Zul-Hijjah. An animal such as a sheepor goat is sacrificed as a commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's (pbuh) willingnessto sacrifice his son Ishmael for God. |
Ezaar . | Lower cloth of Ihram. |
Hajj | Hajj is one of the five pillars or central dutiesof Islam. It is a set of acts of worship to be performed in and aroundMakkah at least once in a lifetime by every Muslim satisfying certain conditions. There are three types of Hajj (see below). |
Hajj ul Ifrad | The type of Hajj where the pilgrim pronounceshis niyyah (i.e.intention) to perform onlyHajj at Miqat while changing into Ihram. |
Hajj ul Qiran | The type of Hajj where the pilgrim pronounceshis intention to perform both Umra and Hajj together with the same Ihram at Miqat. |
Hajj ut Tamattu | The type of Hajj where the pilgrim pronounceshis intention to perform only Umra at Miqatwhen changing into Ihram. A second niyyah,and a second change into Ihram follow on the 8th of ZulHijjah for the performance of the remaining rites of Hajj. |
Hajar ul Aswad | The sacred Black Stone built into the south-eastcorner of the Ka'bah at a height of approximatelyfour feet. The stone does not belong to the geology of the region and isa part of the original construction of the Ka'bah by Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh).The Black Stone was personally installed in the wall of the Ka'bah by theProphet Mohammed (pbuh) himself during its reconstruction following itsdestruction by a flash flood. The Prophet (pbuh) also kissed it duringhis Last (Farewell) Hajj. Thus, touching and kissing (Istilam)of Hajar ul Aswad during Umra and Hajj is considered sunnah. |
Halq | The complete shaving of the head by the malepilgrim on the 10th of Zul Hijjah. This is thelast thing he does before getting out of the state of Ihram.See Taqseer also. For femalepilgrims, the requirements of Halq and Taqseer are satisfied if they trimtheir hair by approximately half an inch. |
Haram ashShareef | The mosque around the Kabahin Makkah, as well as the mosque in Medina. The latter, also known as AlMasjid un Nabawi, contains within its premises the grave of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh). |
Hateem | The area adjacent to the Kabahon its west side, enclosed by a low semi-circular wall. Tradition has itthat Hajar (wife of Prophet Ibrahim [pbuh]) is buried in this enclosure.It is highly recommended that the pilgrim should offer salatus sunnah and supplications to Allah in this area. However, this is nota part of the official rites of Hajj. |
Idtiba | The mode of Ihram usedduring Tawaf ul Qudoom. The male pilgrimdrapes one end of the top part of his Ihram over his left shoulder back-to-front.The other end goes across his back, under his right arm, across his front,and is finally draped over his left shoulder. Idtiba is not observed inany other type of Tawaf. Also, when the pilgrim offerssalat us sunnah after Tawaf ul Qudoom or an obligatory salat during thisTawaf, he must cover both his shoulders. In other words, Idtiba is practicedonly while actually performing Tawaf ul Qudoom.Female pilgrims wear no Ihram, so that the question of Idtiba for themdoes not arise. |
Ihram | The distinctive garb of the male pilgrim wornduring Umra or Hajj. It consists of two pieces of white, plain and unsewncloth. One of the pieces (ezaar) is wrapped aroundthe midriff to cover his body from just above his navel to his ankles,and the other (reda) is draped around his shouldersto cover the upper body. For ladies, their ordinary,and unpretentious clothes of daily wear constitute their Ihram. |
Istilam | The act of kissing Hajarul Aswad at the beginning and the end of every circumambulation (circuit)of the Ka'bah during Tawaf. If it is not possiblephysically to kiss Hajar ul Aswad for any reason, the pilgrim may extendhis hand to touch the Sacred Stone and then kiss his own hand. If eventhat is not possible, he may raise his hand towards Hajar ul Aswad and,thereafter, kiss his own hand. |
Jamraat | The three stone pillars in Minawhich symbolically represent the locations where the devil (shaitan) attemptedto tempt Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) away from the path of Allah. The pilgrimsymbolically stones these pillars on the 10th through to the 13th of ZulHijjah in commemoration of the rejection of the devil by Prophet Ibrahim,and of his steadfastness to the cause of Allah. The Jamraat are locatedwithin a few hundred feet of one another in a line and are named as follows: |
Jamrat ul Kubra | The last stone pillar in the line. This is alsocalled Jamrat ul Uqabah. |
Jamrat ul Oola | The first stone pillar in the line. |
Jamrat ul Wusta | The second (middle) stone pillar in the line. |
Ka'bah | A cubic structure originally built by ProphetIbrahim (pbuh) and his eldest son Ishmael. It is now housed within theHaram ash Shareef in Makkah. During Hajj,the essential rite of Tawaf is performed around theKa'bah. Every day, millions of Muslims perform prayers (salat)facing the direction of the Ka'bah. |
Kaffarah | Another name for Dum |
Marwah | A rocky hillock located approximatelyone hundred yards from the Ka'bah inside Al Masjid ul Haram. The pilgrimperforms the devotional rite of Sai between the hillocksof Safa and Marwah. |
Mahram | The husband, or a malecompanion of a female pilgrim to whom her marriage is expressly prohibitedby the shariah (e.g., father, brother, uncle, nephew, etc.) A woman must be accompanied by a Mahram for Umra and Hajj. |
Makam-o-Ibrahim | The stepping stone used by Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)during the original construction of the Ka'bah. The stone carries the imprintsof his feet, and is housed in a glass enclosure on the north side of theKabah. |
Masjid ul Haram | The mosque around the Kabah also known as Haramash Shareef. |
Mes'aa | The stretch between Safaand Marwah. See also Sai. |
Miqat | An imaginary boundary around Makkah. A prospectivepilgrim cannot cross this boundary without first changing into Ihram. Thisboundary is anchored by different townships and localities in differentdirections (Zul Hulaifa in the north, Yalamlam in the south-east, DhatIrq in the north-east, Juhfah in the north-west, Qarn ul Manazil in theeast.) The pilgrim changes into Ihram at Miqat and pronounces his intentionto perform Umra or Hajj. For people living inside the Miqat permanently,their place of residence is their Miqat. |
Mina | A desert location approximately three mileseast of Makkah where several rites of Hajj are performed. |
Muallim | A knowledgeable professional who can guide thepilgrim during Hajj. Also called a Mutawwif. |
Muhrim | A pilgrim in the state of Ihram |
Multazam | The part of the Ka'bah between its door andHajar ul Aswad. This is a specially sacredpart of the Ka'bah. It is recommended that, if possible, the pilgrim shouldtouch the Ka'bah at Multazam and offer supplications to Allah. However,this is not a part of the official rites of Hajj. |
Mutamatti | One who has performed Hajj ut Tamattu. |
Mutawwif | See Muallim |
Muzdalifah | A desert location approximately midway betweenMina and Arafat. The pilgrimspends the night of the 10th of Zul Hijjah here. |
Namira | A mosque in Arafat |
Niyyah | Intention. All acts of worship are precededby an appropriate niyyah. |
Qarin | One who has performed Hajjul Qiran |
Qasr | The mode of shortened prayers usually offeredwhen on a journey. |
Qibla | The direction (towards the Ka'bah)that Muslims face to pray. |
Ramal | The ritual where male pilgrims are requiredto walk briskly with their chests thrust forward and with their shouldersrolling slightly during the first three circuits of Tawaful Qudoom. Ladies are not required to practiceRamal |
Reda' | The upper cloth of Ihram. |
Rummy | The act of symbolically stoning the devil (shaitan)in Mina on the 10th through to the 13th of Zul Hijjah.This commemorates the tradition that Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was temptedthree times by the devil but rejected all three of the devil's attemptsby stoning him and driving him away. These three locations are symbolisedby three stone pillars (jamaraat) in Mina. |
Safa | A small hillock approximately half a mile fromthe Kabah, inside Al Masjidul Haram. The pilgrim performs the act of Sai (or'running') between Safa and Marwah. |
Sai | The act of walking seven times back and forthbetween the rocky hillocks of Safa and Marwah.This act retraces the footsteps of Hajar (wife of Prophet Ibrahim), duringher desperate search for water to quench the thirst of her infant son Ishmaelafter they were left in the desert by Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) in responseto a divine vision. |
Salat | Obligatory or supererogatory prayers. |
Shawt | One complete circumambulation, or circuit, ofthe Kabah. Each shawt (pl. ashwaat) starts and ends at Hajar ul Aswad.Seven ashwaat constitute one Tawaf. |
Talbiyah | A recital of the following words by the pilgrimduring Umra and Hajj:
The Talbiyah is a prayer as well as an assertion of the pilgrim's convictionthat he intends to perform Hajj only for the glory of Allah. The pilgrimstarts the recital upon changing into the Ihram, andcontinues to recite it frequently throughout Hajj. Male pilgrims recitethe Talbiyah loudly whereas female pilgrims arerequired to recite it in a low voice. |
Taqseer | Shortening or clipping of the whole head ofhair by the male pilgrim following the completion of Hajj. This may beperformed in lieu of Halq. However, snipping off afew hairs here and there is not acceptable. The sunnah of Rasool Allah(pbuh) supports only Taqseer and Halq. |
Tawaf | The seven fold circumambulation of the Kabahwhile reciting prayers. It constitutes an integral part of Umra and Hajj.There are five different types of Tawaf (see below): |
Tawaf ul Ifadah | The Tawaf performed bythe pilgrim on the 10th of Zul Hijjah as the last formal rite of Hajj inMakkah after changing into street clothes (also called Tawaf uz Ziyarah). |
Tawaf un Nafl | A devotional Tawaf whichmay be performed any time. |
Tawaf ul Qudoom | The initial Tawaf performedby the pilgrim upon entering Al Masjid ul Haram in Makkah pursuant uponhis intention for Hajj. |
Tawaf ul Umra | The Tawaf performed asa rite of Umra. |
Tawaf ul Wuda | The Farewell Tawaf performedby the pilgrim just before leaving Makkah for his next destination. |
Umra | A set of religious and devotional rites performedin Makkah. Umra, or lesser Hajj, can be performed at any timeof the year and, unlike Hajj, does not involve the rites at Mina,Muzdalifah, and Arafat. |
Waqfa | The ritual of waqfa (standing before Allah)is performed by pilgrims at the Mount of Mercy in Arafat.Itis a central rite of Hajj. |
Wudhu | The ablution that is performed prior to prayer.. |
Yaum un Nahr | The 10th of Zul Hijjah. This day is designatedas the preferred day of sacrifice during Hajj. |
Yaum ut Tarwiyah | The 8th of Zul Hijjah signifying the start ofHajj. The pilgrim proceeds to Mina on this day. |
Zamzam | The sacred water which sprang forth miraculouslyunder Ishmael's (pbuh) tiny feet during his mother's frantic search betweenSafa and Marwah. Zamzam is nowenclosed in a marble chamber in the Ka'bah. |
Zul Hijjah | The last month of the Islamiccalendar. |